I know who I want to take me home

OK, I’ve decided to stop being lazy today … ooh, makes me recall one of my favourite choons:

But I am so lazy, don’t want to wander, I stay at home at night
But I don’t feel afraid, as long as I gaze on Waterloo sunset, I am in paradise
Every day I look at the world from my window
The chilly-chilliest evening time, Waterloo sunset’s fine

Where was I … oh, right — I found my memory card reader some days ago, and am only uploading my pictures now, whaddaya gonna do ’bout it? Also can post photos with some equanimity cos I re-discovered Picasa! But what really shook me out of my inertia was hearing a gem fall from the decidedly opinionated lips of Joanne Ooi of Shanghai Tang — at least something good came out of stagnating in front of the telly (till she shook me up!) — when she was asked what she thought constituted a successful life, she said something along the lines of waking up every day with zest and curiosity.

Now, I’ve been finding it hard to get up and go ever since I moved into this apartment. Could be the industrial air drugging me, could be the cushiony goodness of my Airland bed, but I sure as heck ain’t waking up with zest and curiosity as to what the day will bring! And I know, I know, there’s a lot going on that I can leap into, in order not to have stayed here for two years and only laboured for money, and nothing else. I do want to heed the advice of my ex-boss, and take a look around, see what’s out there.

So, yes! For me, real-life alarm bells and physical pep-ups don’t work; it just takes the right words, at the right time, in the right mood. Right. Anyway, this living alone business is kinda over-hyped. But it does snap into focus what’s really important, at the very core of me — my family, for one thing; I can’t imagine the rest of my life without being close to them. It’s not that I pine after home horribly, but I find myself remembering a determination to spend as much time as possible with them, in the limited lifespans we have. Living just for oneself is just repugnantly selfish, not to mention boring.

Now, photos! Here I am, sharing some views from my balcony (yes, I have one):

That’s to the right of the balcony (and that’s my dad’s hand)

That’s to the front of the balcony (you’ll only see a wall if you look left)

And now, pictures from the foot of my block! I get these views twice a day, once when I leave by foot from my block, and then once more when I return. My place actually faces the other way, towards the wee township.

Sai Kung lies beyond the mountains, I think — those bits on the other end of the bay are just more of Tseung Kwan O

A particularly foggy day, and I suppose this ain’t Bukit Timah Hill!

I should share some pictures I took at Stanley Market too. Why not, eh.

This is the view that tells you, “I am at Stanley Market”, then, “I went through that bus ride for this?!”

A very lovely public library you can find there — from the outside anyway, cos I didn’t go in

So there you have it. Some photos! Cheer up.

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